upload a banner in magento

Add this code where you want to appear your banner in templates file…

<?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock(‘cms/block’)->setBlockId(‘topbanner’)->toHtml(); ?>

Then go to Admin – CMS – Static Blocks – Add New Block

Insert this:

Block title: topbanner
Identifer: topbanner
Store View: All Store Views
Status: Enabled

<img src=”/media/banner.jpg” alt=”test”/>

Push the button Save Block

Copy your banner(s) in the media folder.
In my example the banner called banner.jpg

Ok, thats all.

Magento Product Types


Magento has several types of products in their system. So this is the one of the good feature of the magento which help us to sell diffrent types of products under one website.

Here is the list of Magento Product Types:

Simple Product
Grouped Product
Configurable Product
Virtual Product
Bundle Product
Downloadable Product

1) Simple Product
This is the product type which we can say one size fits all. This means these type of product do not have any type of configuration. Example products are as below:

12 CD Packs
32″ LED Monitor

2) Grouped Product
Grouped product means you can sell more than one products in one bunch. So you can create a grouped product by the associated products tab from the admin panel.

Note: We can not set the price of the grouped product, for this we have to create new Shopping Cart Rule.

3) Configurable Product
Configurable products are such products which have multiple options to purchase. Like one T-Shirt have different sizes and colors and each one have diffrent prices. In this case you will create number of simple product with different options and associate those products with one configurable products.

4) Virtual Product
Virtual products are those that don’t have physical or digital existance. Also they do not ship and also can not be downloaded via any type of link. This products are like:

Product Subscription

5) Bundle Product
This is the best option when we let user to select the option they want. This might include products like :

Computer system
Note: In e-commerce languagae these types of products also known as “kit“.

6) Downloadable Product
Downloadable products are same as virtual products excepts they have ability to download any digital media file using any link. This might include product like:

Computer Software
Music MP3